Our ‘Giving Back’ Progress…

Our Giving Back Progress…

We have so far managed to give over £3000.00 out of our own pocket to independent animal rescuers (mostly lovely dogs!) in developing countries!

This money has been used to help the rescuers live, feed and care for the animals which they have in their care. Many of the animals (mostly dogs!) have been rescued from the street or dangerous situations, and been brought into a loving and caring environment. They have all initially suffered from something (such as a severe fur condition, abuse, trauma, etc) but have all so far adapted to their new lives and families really well (their tails cannot stop wagging!).

We receive photos and videos frequently of all the animals and their progress, and this always absolutely makes our day (and gives us a legitimate excuse to have a break from law tutoring for two minutes!). It lets us know that we are doing some good globally (despite only being Law Tutors based in the UK!) and allows us to develop further our relationship with the rescuers and understanding of what they are doing. We have even seen first-hand in their countries the progress they are making and spent 2 weeks with all the animals, so we know that they not only need the help but deserve it!

We are writing this blog post not to blow our own trumpets (though we are proud of what we have managed to achieve so far!) but for two reasons. Firstly, we want to say thank you to all the Law Students who have trusted us and been loyal to us (without you, nothing we do would be possible). Every law tutoring and feedback lesson, model law plan and model law essay which has been purchased has had a positive impact in some way! Secondly, there is, perhaps, the message of hope and positivity being delivered, during a time of seemingly never-ending negative news. If we can all help each other during this difficult time, we will all surely learn something and come out the other side much better off.

Finally, just to clarify, we are not a charity (we are Law Tutors!) BUT we DO NOT receive ANY benefit from this social campaigning and giving. We do not even receive any tax breaks, because the rescuers are independent (usually living in more rural village areas in developing countries, as opposed to being large, registered corporations). We just do this because it makes us feel good and we like to have a purpose outside of work (as much as we love law tutoring!). If you want to join us in helping and providing donations you can just head over to our ‘social campaigns’ page and give anything that you can/want (even if it is only £1!). We will continue to give ourselves and do our best to do our bit, so if you cannot afford to do this at the moment don’t worry!

To end this blog post on a positive note, we want to again say a BIG thank you to all of our Law Students and show you some pictures below of some of the dogs!